Tuesday, December 10, 2013

3 works o f art that have me speechless today

Can you

remember where you  were the first moment you saw this Carter Goodrich cover??

i was at Glendae Hi School, talking to a teacher that i liked when i attended there, in the school library----and there it was---- when no wone was looking---i tore it off the mag and stuffed it in my coat---( i figured it was ok since i had so many originals of mine stolen from  the walls of that school back in the early 80's)

Tom Fluharty painted "BUSHIE BOY" back  in the day---better that anyone else on the planet. Holy  cow  he is good.

and this Northface ad---makes me wanna GO!


  1. Actually I do remember my first Carter Goodrich piece. It was a cover for a collection of Christmas stories I saw at the library about six years ago. Here it is:


  2. thanx--- i really like that piece....nutcrackers are kinda scary---my wife collects them...i use them to make me a stronger induvidual, and know that they are NOT kinda scary! right! not scary
