Monday, November 25, 2013


i only left one cord there and feel pretty good about that---THANK YOU DICK VARNEY for the opportunity and the hospitality!!! That was quite an experience.
  My Apologies to the student who thought they would be out of that talk in 30 minutes.
 Took Mrs. Locke to her first Jayhawk game friday nite...and it was WONDERFUL!!!! then we went to that CHiefs game yesterday---and saw the beginning of the end i am afraid as Tamba and Justin got hurt  (29 minutes into the game, with Tamba and Justin in there0
- the Chargers had scored only 3 points---in the next 31 minutes with them in the locker room---the Chargers scored 38 points)    sigh

as the day and week goes by---i'll post the reference item i promised to---i just got my studio set back up and need to get some work done first.

Barry----and Steven with a T-----enjoyed the conversation very much!!


  1. dick and barry are really great guys, wish i would have had the opportunity to hear you speak on campus, too bad i graduated 5 years ago. love your work by the way

  2. dick and barry are really great guys, wish i would have had the opportunity to hear you speak on campus, too bad i graduated 5 years ago. love your work by the way

  3. Thanx Torren---sorry i didn't get a chance to meet you-----thanx for the love

