Tuesday, August 27, 2013

sometimes i just LOVE what comes up on my screensaver

albert dorne and frank.....i smile, and go back to work----only BETTER. work betterer.


  1. A screensaver that shuffles your pictures? I ought to try that.

  2. Oh, man, I bought the complete "Famous Artists Course" several years back off of ebay and in the back of one of the books was a folded tissue overlay of that exact Albert Dorne illustration.

    It was brittle as HECK, so I haven't messed with it, but I think it was included with the course and it appears to be real pencil on the paper (or a really good copy). No way in the world it's an authentic Albert Dorne, but potentially a very nice reproduction that was included with the course when it came out.

    So cool, man. That guy could draw!

  3. oh yeah----i have a folder i throw great images in---and have it shuffle every 5 minutes. Wonderful way to have greatness randomly thrown in front of my eyes, even though it's behind my work, it's fun at times just to clear the desktop and see what there is to see
